Saturday, September 15, 2007

A Little Less Hot, a Lot More Action

The weather has markedly cooled over the last two days; from highs in the mid to high 80s (F) and lows in the high 70s, to highs in the mid seventies and lows down to 50F. It rained yesterday. I believe this has weather change induced a much more amorous feeling in the budgies, if nest box visiting is a measure of that. Both birds are spending a lot of time in the next box, including, together. Also, Mary ann will stick her head out of the box and Sutcliffe will feed her. Its pretty cute. There is still plenty of time being spent outside the box, as well, but, the trajectory is clearly in the right direction. We also "exercised" the budgies yesterday, by taking Mary ann and Sutcliffe out and letting them do some finger sitting. Perhaps the exercise was also good for them. We have put "fresh" (ie, additonal from C.s original batch) eucalytus in also.

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The Happy Couple

The Happy Couple
Sutcliffe and Maryann in early 2007